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Tips For Buying A Flat

You Must Find What sort of property is it that you're buying? Commercial or Residential Is it a new development or a re-sale? I guess the most important thing is to make sure, you have a clear marketable title. The easiest option is to buy an apartment directly from a reputed developer. 

There are some Documents you can get from the sub-registrars office which has the History of the property going as far back as 30 or 40 years in some cases - To whom it was originally allotted to, who sold it to whom, whether it was subdivided and so on. Think it's called an encumbrance certificate but not sure. Make sure that you obtain this and it's up to date. This is proof that there are not any other "claimants" to the same property.

*Note : Encumbrance - registered loans outstanding against the property, E.g. Mortgages you can obtain an encumbrance certificate from the sub registrar's office, this can be taken by anybody (not necessary to be the owner or anyone related to the property)